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8086 8088 Microprocessor Training Kit For Electrical Lab Training

8086 8088 Microprocessor Training Kit For Electrical Lab Training


8086 8088 Microprocessor Training Kit For Electrical Lab Training Description and Tender Specification:

8086 8088 Microprocessor Training Kit For Electrical Lab Training.
8086   8088 Microprocessor Training Kit With Eprom Programmer & Inbuilt Power Supply Based on Intel's 8086/8088 CPU operating at 2.5/5MHz.  16K bytes of RAM available to the user using 6264  16K bytes of EPROM loaded with powerful monitor program(2764/27128).  Total on board memory capacity of 128KB of RAM & 128KB of EPROM.  Battery backup provided for RAM area.  48 I/O lines through 2 nos. of 8255.  16 bit Timer/Counter through 8253.  RS-232C for CRT Terminal through 8251 Baud rate selection through DIP switch from 110-19,200 baud.  EPROM Programmer for 2732/2764/27256 with 28 pin ZIF with facility to Program, Verify, List & Blank Check for Even, Odd & Continuous bytes.  25/28 keys hexadecimal keyboard and eight seven segment display.  Resident Monitor with two modes of operation: - Keyboard mode & Serial mode Powerful software commands like GO, EXAMINE/MODIFY REGISTERS, SINGLE STEPPING, BLOCK MOVE, FILL, INSERT, DELETE, INPUT/OUTPUT BYTE & WORD.  Facility for uploading/downloading of files from/to PC.  All Address, Data and Control Signals, are buffered and available at the FRC connector.  In-built Power Supply.  User's Manual.
