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Callendar & Griffiths Bridge Senior Laboratory Equipments Supplies

Callendar & Griffiths Bridge Senior Laboratory Equipments Supplies


Callendar & Griffiths Bridge Senior Laboratory Equipments Supplies Description and Tender Specification:

a) Callendar & Griffiths Bridge Senior :- MERCURY Contact for precision work and Temp- is measureable to 1/100th C . The resistance coils are of MANGANIN and arranged according to BINARY scale and can be checked on the BRIDGE itself. FINE slow motion is provided by a lever & can be read by vernier attached. The coils are married in units 10, 20, 40, 80, 100, 320, 640 & 1280. Terminals provided for “PL”, “CL” Galv & Battery, Mercury cups filled half with mercury and “U” connectors serve to short the resistance when depressed in Mercury. Instruction sheet provided for guidance without meroury. b) Callender and Griffiths Bridge :- It is an improvement over the potentiometer. The 50cm long slides wire of 1 ohm resistance is calibrated into 100 equal parts. 14 coils are arranged in series in dial from each being of 1 ohm resistance. c) High Resistance by Leakage of condenser Method :- Comprising a wooden Board for proper setting of Components & Special CHARGE & DISCHARGE key fitted with restless points & a set of terminals for Ballistic Galv condenser and Plug key in series with 20-M-OHM resistance. Two way key is provided for charging the condenser and discharging through resistance coil after known interval. Tap Key Provided on the panel for use of Ballistic Galv..
