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Repeated Compression Set Tester for Foam For Testing Lab

Repeated Compression Set Tester for Foam For Testing Lab


Repeated Compression Set Tester for Foam For Testing Lab Description and Tender Specification:

Repeated Compression Set Tester for Foam For Testing Lab Workshop.
Repeated Compression Set Tester for Foam - For Testing Lab Determination of change in thickness of Foam material due to repeated compression encountered in their day-to-day use is of great importance in determining their quality. Determination of this change is carried out with the help of a Repeated Compression Set Tester. In this test a test specimen taken from the material under test is compressed repeatedly under simulated conditions of use and the effect of this action on its thickness evaluated to determine the quality of the material under test. The  Repeated Compression Set Tester for foam material is designed to simulate the action of repeated pressings encountered in use. It consists of an arrangement to give a vertical reciprocating movement to two indentors held on two eccentric discs with the help of an electric motor and reduction gearbox.   The movement of the indentors can be adjusted so that they can give a compression equal to 50% of the thickness of the test specimens. The height of the indentors can be adjusted and they can be locked so that at the top of their movement they just touch the top of the test specimens. The number of repeated compression undergone is recorded on a pre-set type digital counter with memory backup, which automatically stops the motor on completion of the desired number of operations. civil lab equipments manufacturers 
