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Resistance Coils Laboratory Equipments Supplies

Resistance Coils Laboratory Equipments Supplies


Resistance Coils Laboratory Equipments Supplies Description and Tender Specification:

a) Resistance Coils: In round bakelite case with terminals any value 0.1 to 100 ohms tested accurate. b) Resistance Coils : In transparent case like PARCO any value from 0.1 to 100 ohms. c) High Resistance coils : Known or unknown constant an coil in the bakelite case with two terminals. a. 1k, 2k, 5k b. 10k, 15k d) High Resistance Coil : (Known or unknown)Wire Wound coils provided with plug type short circuit key. Resistance a. 1k, 2k, 5k, b. 10k, 15k e) Resistance Coil : Bakelite Case Pye Type comprising non-inductively wound coil of insulated constant an wire, further insulated with parafin Wax and enclosed in moulded bakelite case fitted with terminals, any value from 0.1 to 1000 ohms. f) Precision Resistance Coils : With four terminals as per ‘INCO’ Specification. Resistance : 0.01 to 0.9 ohm 0.1 to 100 ohms a. In Aluminium case b. In Bakelite case g) Resistance Coil Standard (Manganin): The Unit embodies developed at the National Physical Laboratory. Those are manufactured for work requiring high degree of accuracy and research works. Values calibrated are guranteed within specified Limits.  Coils wound on porcelain bobbins immersed in moisture free oil.; The whole system is in Brass nicked vessel accuracy +0.02% to +0.05% i. 0.01 ohms ii. 0.1 ohms  iii. 1 ohms & 10 ohms  iv. 100 ohms  v. 1000 ohms.
