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Simulator for 8051 Microcontrollers For Electrical Lab Training

Simulator for 8051 Microcontrollers For Electrical Lab Training


Simulator for 8051 Microcontrollers For Electrical Lab Training Description and Tender Specification:

Simulator for 8051 Microcontrollers For Electrical Lab Training.
FEATURES ·  The processor can be reset ·  Reading/Writing memory contents to file from program memory, data memory as well as internal memory. ·  Set of breakpoints can be set ·  Full speed execution, break to a particular address can be accomplished ·  Single stepping using trace into, step over can be done. ·  Interrupts can be generated manually ·  The status of Code Memory, Register, Bit Location, EPROM Memory, external RAM Data Memory, Internal Memory, Symbol table, Processor Status, Break-points, Ports, Numbers can be seen. ·  The software supports for indirectly addressable additional 128 bytes of internal memory (8052-style), set in menu settings. When writing Internal RAM contents to file, only first 128 bytes and SFR area are saved. The same is for reading. ·  Number based added in window type “Numbers” (dec/hex/ bin). ·  Writing EPROM, RAM and Internal RAM contents to file as array of bytes enclosed in ‘db’ directives. ·  Deassembling to file is possible Writing EPROM contents i.e. program memory contents in ASM files. ·  The user can put new data types in EPROM area by doubleclicking in "Code" window and then just writing "DB" as an instruction mnemonics. ·  Ctrl-O key combination moves the last active “Code” window view to the program counter (PC). ·  New window type added: "Terminal" window which can be resized up to 80x25.
