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Tiana C-PAP / Resto Health

Tiana C-PAP / Resto Health


Tiana C-PAP / Resto Health Description and Tender Specification:

Tiana C-PAP / Resto Health.
Restohealth is a unique system that can deliver high flows of Air or Oxygen ranging from 1 to 15 LPM.Clinical studies have proven the usefulness of high flow of gases when warmed at body temperature and humidified up to  99 to 100% relative humidity and delivered through nasal cannula. Importance of Heat and Humidity : Heat and Humidity prevents airway water loss, airway cooling, thickened secretions, nasal irritation & bleeding. Before Restohealth bubble humidifiers were used to deliver high humidity in above applications. The Restohealth allows delivery of breathing gases heated to body temperature & at nearly 100% relative humidity by nasal Cannula without drying or cooling the airways, which was not possible in the conventional bubble humidifiers. Advantages of Restohealth The gas delivered by Restohealth contains up to 55 mg/H2O per Liter (depending upon the temperature setting). Clinical studies have proven that high water vapour is effective in mobilizing thickened airway secretions. Breathing warm & humidified gases from Restohealth is an effective method of Core rewarming especially post surgery or after cold exposure. Warm humid gases have been found to inhibit the nasal response to allergy. Water vapour at 410 C is as effective as aerosol therapy in reducing allergic rhinitis symptoms. Restohealth can deliver high flows of warm & humid gases via nasal Cannula which greatly improves patient’s comfort as compared to gases delivered via face mask. The effect of heat & humidity optimize the use of nasal Cannula thus helps the Practitioner to use higher flows which other wise is not possible. Provides the User to use higher flows without adverse effects & patient’s discomfort that includes nasal drying, bleeding & septal breakdown. Higher flow provides numerous clinical advantages. In NICU, using Restohealth helps the doctor to easily feed, hold & care of patient which otherwise would not be possible due to interference.
