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4 Cylinder Petrol Engine

4 Cylinder Petrol Engine


4 Cylinder Petrol Engine Description and Tender Specification:

4 Cylinder Petrol Engine.

The engine is a 4-cylinder in-line engine with a regulated catalytic converter. It has an integral closed cooling water circuit. A solid, welded base frame on rollers carries the entire setup. Hazardous areas such as hot surfaces and rotating parts are covered with perforated plates. The engine is connected to the brake unit using an elastic coupling with a jointed shaft. The test engine is attached to the brake unit using toggle-type fasteners. The engine is fitted with sensors that measure the temperatures and the cooling water flow rate. The control cabinet contains all of the electronic equipment for managing the engine (factory set). On the control cabinet are an ignition key, an operating time counter and warning lamps. Data is transmitted between the brake unit and the engine via a data cable connecting the control cabinets for the two units. For safety reasons, the engine has been adjusted so that it is only possible to start it when it is connected to the brake unit both mechanically and electrically.

4 Cylinder Petrol Engine Engineering Lab Training Systems Technical Description Engineering Lab Training Systems In conjunction with the brake unit, the test engine makes up a complete engine test stand.
