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Advanced Microprocessor Trainer Kit For Electrical Lab Training

Advanced Microprocessor Trainer Kit For Electrical Lab Training


Advanced Microprocessor Trainer Kit For Electrical Lab Training Description and Tender Specification:

Advanced Microprocessor Trainer Kit For Electrical Lab Training.
8085 Advanced Microprocessor Trainer Kit With With Onboard A To D, D To A, Eprom Programmer & Inbuil Based on 8085 CPU operating at 6.144 MHz crystal.  16K bytes of EPROM loaded with powerful monitor program.  8K byte of RAM available to the user.  Total on board memory expansion upto 64K bytes using 2732/2764/27128/6264.  Memory mapping definable by the user.  Six seven segment Hexadecimal display  48 programmable I/O lines using two nos. of 8255.  16 bit programmable timer/counter using 8253.  Additional serial port using 8251.  EPROM Programmer for 27 series EPROM's with 28 pinZIF.  Printer inteface (optional)  Battery backup for RAM using 3.6V rechargeable cell.  RS-232C interface for CRT using SID/SOD lines.  Interrupt Controller using 8259.  Onboard 1 Channel 8 bit D/A using DAC 0800.  Onboard 1 Relay output.  Onboard 1 Opto isolated input  25/28 Computer graded keys hexadecimal keys  Two modes of Commands: - Hex Key Pad Mode - Serial Mode All address, data and control lines are buffered and made available at the edge connector as per STD Bus configuration.  All address, data and control lines are buffered and made available at the edge connector as per STD Bus configuration
