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Demonstration Transformer

Demonstration Transformer


Demonstration Transformer Description and Tender Specification:

Demonstration Transformer.
Demonstration Transformer Science Labs With one mains coil 230 to 240 V, 50 Hz, 2400 turns and two interchangeable secondary coils, 65 and 130 turns giving outputs of 6 and 12 V approximately at 2 A maximum. The laminated iron core is in two sections, 'T' and 'U' with butt joints, the stem of the 'T' having a cross section 24 x 24 mm. A simple channel and wing-nut clamping arrangement facilitates quick assembly and interchange of coils. The coils are wound on insulating bobbin, with 2-pin connection for mains and 4 mm sockets for the secondary outputs. The number of turns, voltage and amperage is marked on each coil. The transformer is supplied complete with 2 m of flex and a 2-pin mains connector. Overall dimensions 150x100x130 mm.
