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Dsb/ssb Am Receiver Trainer For Electrical Lab Training

Dsb/ssb Am Receiver Trainer For Electrical Lab Training


Dsb/ssb Am Receiver Trainer For Electrical Lab Training Description and Tender Specification:

Dsb/ssb Am Receiver Trainer For Electrical Lab Training.
Salient Features * On board variable capacitor training * On board receiving antenna, Local Oscillator, BFO, RF Amplifier, Mixer, IF Amplifiers, Detectors, AGC, Audio o/p amplifier, Speaker & Headphones  Super heterodyne Receiver  Frequency range: 400KHz to 1.5 MHz  Intermediate Frequency: 455 KHz  Inputs: RF Signal  Output: IF frequency 455 KHz adjustable  F1 filter: Duel Tune LC RF Amplifier with variable gain: Mixer(Frequency converter)  Dual Gate MOSFET  nput : Local Oscillator & RF  Output frequency: 455 KHz adjustable F1 Filter : Duel Tune LC Local Oscillator  Output signal : Sine wave for local Osc. Input  Frequency: From 900KHz to 2.2 MHz gang tuned  Amplitude: adjustable from 0 – 2 V p-p  Output Impedance: 50 Ohms  1st IF & IInd IF Amplifier:  Central frequency: 455 KHz  Load Impedance: Variable R-L-C  Gain; Automatic Gain Control  Gain 1 – 43 dB and * Gain 2 – 47 Db  Diode Envelope Detector: * Detection of the positive and negative envelope with variable R-C filter DSB Product Detector: * Operating frequency: Adjustable from 400KHz to 500KHz SSB Input Amplitude: 1 Volt p-p
