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Gunn Diode Kit

Gunn Diode Kit


Gunn Diode Kit Description and Tender Specification:

Gunn Diode Kit.
This MICROWAVE TRAINER is designed to study and test lines
and antennas used to broadcast information in microwave
In detail, it is possible to analyze and test the following major
aspects related to microwaves and to their application in
communication systems.
• Microwave generation with Gunn oscillator
• Waveguide Components and Antennas for microwaves
• Assembling and Measurements
This unit consists of a main Trainer and of a set of optional
waveguide Components (WG).
• General microwave theory
• Characteristics of:
- Microwave components
- Waveguide and flange
- Horn antennas and parabolic reflector
- Reflection and polarization system
• Gunn Diode oscillator
• Gunn transceiver: Gunn oscillator and Schottky diode
• Measurement of direct frequency
• Wavelength measurement: in free space and WG
• Measurement of direct and reflected power
• Attenuation measurement
• Power division and impedance mismatching measurement
SWR and impedance matching
• Use of Smith’s chart for impedance calculation
• Impedance matching
• Signals separation in a transceiver system and transmitter
• Directional couplers and T-hybrid
• Microwave antennas: gain and irradiation diagram
• Measurement of antenna gain:
- comparison method
- method of the two antennas
• Link attenuation
• Passive repeaters (mirrors)
• Doppler Radar with different antennas: it is possible to
observe the relationship between the object speed and the
received doppler signal
• Gunn oscillator Frequency: 10525 MHz (X band)
• Gunn oscillator output power: +7 dB
• Waveguide internal sheath: silver-coated
• 2 waveguides – coaxial adapter
• 3 straight waveguides (WG)
• 1 WG slotted line
• 1 WG variable attenuator of 30 dB
• 2 WG fi xed attenuators of 3 dB and 6 dB
• 3 WG loading terminations:
- 2 matched 1W and
- 1 short-circuit
• 1 coaxial Detector:
- Input: +20 dBm (max), 50 , SMA, 10 – 12400 MHz
- Output: BNC, negative polarity
• 1 WG directional coupler:
- 3 ports, coupling 20 dB
• 3 WG horn antennas:
- Gain of 10 dB (n.2) and of 15 dB (n.1)
• 1 parabolic antenna:
- 0.36 m (diam.), 0.5 (f/D) and 29.5 dB (theoretical gain)
• 2 reflection planes:
- dimensions: 180x180 mm and 300x300 mm
• 1 polarization plane:
- dimensions. 180x180 mm
• 6 (high and low) supports and connection cables
• Rotary table with slider and graduated scale.
Power supply: 230 Vac 50 Hz single-phase - 20 VA
(Other voltage and frequency under request)
