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Measurement of Load Using Load Cell Trainer Kit

Measurement of Load Using Load Cell Trainer Kit


Measurement of Load Using Load Cell Trainer Kit Description and Tender Specification:

Measurement of Load Using Load Cell Trainer Kit.
MEASUREMENT OF LOAD USING LOAD CELL TRAINER KIT Completely self contained stand alone unit.  Demonstrates the principle and working of a load cell and its applications for measuring of load.  Supply required 230V, 50Hz AC.  Built-in IC based DC regulated power supply with short circuit protection and LED indication for supply "ON".  Bridge made up of 4 strain gauges mounted on a special alloy material "s" type load cell.  Built-in excitation voltage for the bridge.  Built-in 3½ digit seven segment display for direct reading strain in Kg.  Built-in highly sensitive signal amplifier.  Built-in multiturn potentiometer for zero adjustment.  Different loads provided for building up of load.  Set of patch cords.  Housed in an elegant with a well spread intelligently designed circuit layout on front panel.  Strongly supported by a comprehensive instruction manual complete with theory & operating details
