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Oscilloscope / Demonstrator Trainer For Electrical Lab Training

Oscilloscope / Demonstrator Trainer For Electrical Lab Training


Oscilloscope / Demonstrator Trainer For Electrical Lab Training Description and Tender Specification:

Oscilloscope Demonstrator Trainer.
Oscilloscope demonstrator trainer is specifically designed for the study of working of an oscilloscope in an open form. The controls are placed actually at the place as they are in the layout schematic. Thus a trainee can easily locate any section, & components in the section and study it thoroughly. The function controls and the adjustment controls are fully accessible to the trainee to verify their effect on the working of the scope. Creation of faults and rectification of faults are important exercise covered in the experiments. An illustrated block and circuit schematic and the adjustment plan right in front of the trainee's eyes helps him tocorrelate each operation during the demonstration. Oscilloscope in open form with all components and controls placed on single PCB Amplifier, Time base, Channel section signal available on test points Separate sections for PS, EHT, VA, HA, TB & Trigger for easy identification Fault creation & rectification provided Track printing with different colours on different sections on component board for easy circuit training Legend Printing on PCB for easy identification of components Can be used as a standard 20 MHz Dual Trace Oscilloscope Technical Specifications Operating Modes Channel I, Channel II, Channel I & II Alternate or chopped, Controls provided on PCB. Channel selection signals available at Test points. X-Y operation 1:1 Vertical deflection (Y): (Identical channels) Bandwidth : DC-20 MHz (-3 dB) Risetime : 17.5 ns (approx.) Deflection coefficients : 12 calibrated steps 5 mV / cm - 20 V / cm (1-2-5 sequence) Accuracy : ±3 % Input Impedance : 1 MW II 30 pF Input coupling : DC - AC - GND Maximum Input voltage : 350 V (DC + Peak AC) Pre-Amp, Final Amp Outputs at Test Points. Timebase: Time coefficients : 18 calibrated steps, 0.5 ìs / cm - 0.2 s / cm (1-2-5 sequence) with magnifier x 5 to 100 ns / cm, with variable control to 40 ns / cm Accuracy : ± 3 % (in Cal position) TB generation at Test Points Sweep Output : 5 V (approx.) Trigger System: Modes : Automatic or Variable Source : CH I, CH II, External Slope : Positive or Negative Coupling : AC, TV Frame Sensitivity : Int 5 mm, Ext 1 V (approx.) Trigger Bandwidth : 30 Mhz Horizontal Deflection (X) Bandwidth : DC - 2 MHz (-3 dB) X - Y mode : Phase Shift < 5° at 50 KHz Deflection coefficients : 12 calibrated steps 5 mV / cm - 20 V / cm (1-2-5 sequence) Input Impedance : 1 MW II 30 pF Component Tester : Test Voltage : Max 8.6 V (Open) rms Test Current : Max 8 mA (Shorted) rms Test Frequency : 50 Hz, Test circuit grounded to chassis
