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Ballistic Galvanometer

Ballistic Galvanometer


Ballistic Galvanometer Description and Tender Specification:

Ballistic Galvanometer.
Ballistic Galvanometer Science Labs a) Ballistic Galvnometer :- Introduced very new type of ballistic Galvanometer. The box & base are made of Aluminum. A large coil wound on nonmagnetic & non-conducting material is suspended by a phosphor bronze wire in pole piece of a very strong permanent magnet. It carries an optical True concave mirror of about 1 cm. dia, A zero adjuster is provided at the top. The coil can be damped by a lever when not in use. The whole Front panel is covered by glass plate so teacher can demonstrate each & every thing in the ballistic galvanometer to the students. The time period of moving coil is 10 to 12 seconds. a. 100 ohms b. 500 ohms b) Ballistic Galvanometer :- OSAW type coil resistance 100 ohms 0.3 Micro Amp. Senstive per division.
