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Heat Transfer In Agitated Vessel

Heat Transfer In Agitated Vessel


Heat Transfer In Agitated Vessel Description and Tender Specification:

Heat Transfer In Agitated Vessel.
Heat Transfer In Agitated Vessel In most industrial processes including reactors, heat is to be added or extracted to control the process. The addition and removal of heat is done by passing steam or water in a jacket fitted to the outside of the vessel or passing steam or cold water in helical coil inside the vessel. For effective heat transfer and even distribution of heat, the liquid inside is continuously agitated. The present set-up offers us a comparative study of Jacket & Helical coil, which can be operated simultaneously. It is a stainless steel jacketed vessel with helical coil of copper is fitted inside.  EXPERIMENTATION:    To determine the overall heat transfer co-efficient for various degree of agitation.  To make a comparative study of Heat Transfer through Jacket & Coil in an agitated vessel.  UTILITIES REQUIRED :    Water supply 20 lit/min (approx.) and Drain.   Electricity Supply : 1 Phase, 220 V AC, 5 kW.  Floor area of 1.5m x 1.5m.  TECHNICAL DETAILS :   System                     :                       Steam to Water   Vessel                      :                       Material stainless steel fitted with 4 baffles  Dia. 250, Depth 350 mm (Approx.)   Jacket                      :                        Width 25 mm. Insulated with ceramic wool                                                              and  Cladded with aluminum foil.   Helical Coil               :                       Material Copper, OD 16mm, ID 13mm.   Agitator                     :                      Stainless steel Impeller fitted on a shaft                                                         coupled to a variable speed motor and Drive.   Condensate Measurement :            Measuring Cylinder & Stopwatch   Water Flow Measurement   :           Rotameter.   Steam Generator                 :           Made of stainless steel fitted with level          
