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Strain Gauge Calibration Apparatus- Engineering Lab Training Systems

Strain Gauge Calibration Apparatus- Engineering Lab Training Systems


Strain Gauge Calibration Apparatus- Engineering Lab Training Systems Description and Tender Specification:

Strain Gauge Calibration Apparatus- Engineering Lab Training Systems.
Technical Description In a straight forward manner strain gauges provide reliable information on the distribution, direction and magnitude of mechanical deformation in components under load. Sufficient knowledge of this measuring technology is vital in mechanical engineering. This calibration device makes it possible for the user to become familiar with the key features of strain gauge technology using a prepared bending bar. The deformation of the bar under load is measured by a mechanical dial gauge and at the same time by a strain gauge in a full bridge configuration. By comparing the two results and appropriate correction, the k-factor of the strain gauge is obtained as a key characteristic. A voltage source and a measuring instrument are required for the strain gauge.
