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Single Cylinder Engine w. Variable Compression

Single Cylinder Engine w. Variable Compression


Single Cylinder Engine w. Variable Compression Description and Tender Specification:

Single Cylinder Engine w. Variable Compression.

Major technical modifications have been made to a standard water-cooled single cylinder engine to allow demanding issues in engine technology to be investigated by experiment. The key feature is that the cylinder has been modified so that its height can be adjusted along with that of the cylinder head. This allows the compression ratio to be adjusted over a wide range. The engine can be operated as an external ignition petrol engine or an auto-ignition diesel engine. The mode of operation can be changed by a few simple conversion steps. In petrol engine mode, it is also possible to change the ignition point and the composition of the fuel/air mixture so that the influence of these factors on the characteristic curves and values can be investigated experimentally. The engine is securely mounted on a base plate. This unit is fitted in the test bed on the test stand and bolted into place. It is connected to the brake unit using an elastic claw coupling. The engine is fitted with sensors that measure temperatures and the oil pressure. The sensors are connected to the test bed control cabinet. The fuel supply hoses have self-sealing rapid action couplings. The water cooling is provided by the and the laboratory network.

Technical Description Engineering Lab Training Systems In conjunction with the test stand, the engine makes up a complete engine test stand.
