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  • sales@didacticlabequipments.com

U-shape Manometer- Engineering Lab Training Systems

U-shape Manometer- Engineering Lab Training Systems


U-shape Manometer- Engineering Lab Training Systems Description and Tender Specification:

Designed for wall assembly. Anodized aluminium structure and panel in painted steel (epoxi paint). U-shape manometer of 1000 mm. length. Millimeter precision rules of 1000 mm. length. Upper collector. Lower collector. Drain valve. Manuals: This unit is supplied with the following manuals: Required Services, Assembly and Installation, Starting-up, Safety, Maintenance & Practices Manuals. Dimensions: 170 x 40 x 1400 mm. approx.  Weight: 2 Kg. approx.                              Fluid Mechanics Lab Equipments manufacturers.
